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What did the Rebbe of Lubavitch bless the city of Ofakim?

In 1984, Rabbi Yisrael and Rebbetzin Sara Hershkovitz arrived in the city of Ofakim on a mission from the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Rabbi Israel Hershkovitz
Chairman of the Ofakim Chabad Institutions - Rabbi of the community

The beginning was full of challenges but with sacrifice and determination the apostles managed with the blessing of the Rebbe to establish an empire of educational institutions, Judaism and kindness in the city of Ofakim.

Today, 36 years after you arrived on a mission. The Rebbe’s emissaries are establishing a large community center that will bring further impetus to the blessed work of Chabad in the city for the benefit of the entire population in the city of Ofakim.

On the 9th of Nisan, 1990, the mayor of Ofakim, Yair Hazan, handed over to the Rebbe of Lubavitch the developer (protector) of the city of Ofakim and asked for his holy blessing for the residents.

Rebbe’s blessing to the city of Ofakim:

“Great success, there will be a desire for the place to be a mother city in Israel in all respects out of joy and kindness, good livelihood and good health, blessing and success”

The Lubavitcher Rebbe
Rabbi Hershkovitz receives the Rebbe's blessing

בית חב”ד אופקים שעל ידי צעירי אגודת חב”ד (ע”ר)

יו”ר ומנהל בית חב”ד המרכזי:
הרב ישראל הרשקוביץ – רב קהילת חב”ד אופקים

מנכ”ל: הרב שניאור קניג

טל’: 08-9987770

נייד: 050-2327702

מייל: Office@chabadOfaqim.org.il

כתובת: רח’ החיטה, אופקים (מקלט 6)

מס’ עמותה 580111839

41 שנות עשייה למען
תושבי אופקים

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